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Camino Wisdom Stories

‘Mobile phones bring you closer to people far away from you 

And they take you away from the people sitting close to you.’


For good or bad, the mobile phone is now an 'indispensable' part of life. What have been your mobile phone experiences when walking the Camino?

Did you: 

  • Dry-out a waterlogged phone in a plastic bag filled with rice?

  • Have a melt-down moment when you discovered the nearest phone shop was two days away? 

  • Walk and work and it all worked out, or maybe it didn’t? 

  • Share your magical experiences, inspiring family and friends back home? 

  • Listen at 2am to a fellow pilgrim’s 20-minute phone conversation? 

  • Get ‘rescued’ by your phone when you really needed help? 

  • Follow the phone’s directions only to go astray? 

  • Power yourself along with your favorite musical tracks? 

  • ‘Miss’ aspects of the Camino because of being ‘connected’?

  • Were you able to put the phone aside and enjoy the freedom from connection? 

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17 June

Camino Wisdom Stories

19 August

Camino Wisdom Stories