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Camino Wisdom Stories

I never made one of my discoveries through the process of rational thinking’.

 - Albert Einstein

‘Discovery’ is defined as ‘the act or process of seeing, finding, or gaining knowledge about something previously unknown’.  To live in ‘discovery’ can help develop a rich bank of knowledge of oneself and the world at large.  It can also be what motivates us in life.  What discoveries did you make on your Camino?  Perhaps you:

  • ‘met’ yourself properly for the very first time

  • felt truly alive in an ‘unknown’ environment

  • stumbled unexpectedly across an architectural jewel

  • returned home being a ‘different’ person to the person who left

  • discovered a whole new way to live life

  • fell in love with a country, its people and customs

Register here for this 90-minute free webinar on Saturday October 21st 2023.

16 September

Camino Wisdom Stories

18 November

Camino Wisdom Stories